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  • When does the league start?
    FALL / WINTER LEAGUE The Fall / Winter league practices typically begin the 3rd week of September and will finish by the end of February. Check our Important Dates calendar for exact dates. There are no practices or games on statutory holidays or District-wide Pro-D days. An exception to this will be made for scheduling any make-up games as required. There will be practices on school based Pro-D Days as the school is typically open. Games will start on Fridays in early October (no games for Rookie or Grade 2/3 teams). Games will start on Saturdays in early October for Grade 9/10 & Grade 11/12 boys teams. Invitations to Team Connect will be sent in the first few weeks of September once gym contracts are finalized, allowing you access to your teams practice schedule. Game schedules will be posted in Team Connect at the beginning of October. SPRING LEAGUE The Spring league practices typically begin in early April and will finish in early June. Check our Important Dates calendar for exact dates. There are no practices or games on statutory holidays or District-wide Pro-D days. An exception to this will be made for scheduling any make-up games as required. There will be practices on school based Pro-D Days as the school is typically open. Games will start on Fridays in early April (no games for Rookie or Grade 2/3 teams). Games will start on Saturdays in early April for Grade 9/10 & Grade 11/12 boys teams. Invitations to Team Connect will be sent in the first few weeks of March, allowing you access to your teams practice schedule. Game schedules will be posted in Team Connect at the beginning of April.
  • What is the time commitment for my child in a week?
    FALL / WINTER LEAGUE Kindergarten to Grade 2 Rookie Division One (1 hour) practice session per week (no games). Grade 2/3 Teams One (1 hour) prac­tice ses­sion per week (no games) PLUS Participation in season ending Alicia Lahm Jamboree in February Grades 3/4 to 6/7 Teams One (1 hour) prac­tice ses­sion per week PLUS One (Friday night) game per week starting in October and ending in February PLUS Participation in season ending Alicia Lahm Jamboree in February Grade 7/8 Prep Division One (1 hour) practice session per week PLUS One (Friday) game per week starting in October and ending in February PLUS Up to five (1.5 hour) academy-based training sessions per season Top teams will participate in championship play at the end of the season Grade 9-12 Girls Teams One (1 hour) prac­tice ses­sion per week PLUS One (Friday night) game per week starting in October and ending in February Grades 9/10 & 11/12 Boys Teams One (1 hour) practice session per week PLUS One (Saturday) game per week starting in October 10 and ending in February SPRING LEAGUE Kindergarten to Grade 2 Rookie Division One (1 hour) practice session per week (no games). Grade 2/3 Teams One (1 hour) prac­tice ses­sion per week (no games) Grades 3/4 to 6/7 Teams One (1 hour) prac­tice ses­sion per week PLUS One (Friday night) game per week starting in April and ending in June Grade 7/8 Prep Division One (1 hour) practice session per week PLUS One (Friday) game per week starting in April and ending in June Grade 9-12 Girls Teams One (1 hour) prac­tice ses­sion per week PLUS One (Friday night) game per week starting in April and ending in June Grades 9/10 & 11/12 Boys Teams One (1 hour) practice session per week PLUS One (Saturday) game per week starting in April and ending in June
  • Where will games be played?
    Games will be played at various schools around the Tri-City area. Game locations are subject to times / locations provided by the School Board. Game schedules will be circulated in early October and commence shortly thereafter. Games are one hour in length, taking place between 5:00 pm to 9:30 pm on Fridays. Grade 9/10 & 11/12 boys will play on Saturdays between 9am and 5pm. There are no games or practices on District-wide Pro-D days and statutory holidays.
  • What if I am having trouble receiving emails from the League?
    Please make sure has been added to your safe sender’s list and double check that you have not unsubscribed to updates or email communications on your Member Account. Previous emails could be located in your email SPAM folder. If you have in the past added us to your Safe Sender's list, you may need to re-add us again. If you think you may have missed an email from us and would like a copy, please contact
  • I may be inter­ested in coach­ing this year. What train­ing do you pro­vide for coaches?
    Our volunteer coaches are all provided with Jr NBA / TCYBA specific basketball resources. Additional training opportunities will also be provided at no cost to coaches. Coaches do not require any previous experience. TCYBA is committed to providing you with coaching development. We have new online resources available through Basketball Immersion, Coaches Clipboard and Google Classroom to provide you with drills, diagrams, audio and video instruction to run practices as well as coaching tools and practice plans. Please contact the Coach Coordinator at if you are interested in getting involved as a volunteer coach. The Coach Coordinator will work with you to select a practice time/location that will fit into your schedule.
  • I may be inter­ested in assist­ing with the team, but am not com­fort­able tak­ing on a role as coach. Where else can I help?
    There are other roles for volunteers. You could offer to act as “team parent” for phoning/emailing and other duties or as a gym supervisor on game nights.
  • (Kindergarten to Grade 2) - Registraton Format
    The TCYBA Jr NBA Rookie division program for Kindergarten to Grade 2 will be split into three - 8 practice programs. The Fall Program will begin the last week of September and end after eight practices. The Winter Program will begin the week school resumes in January and end after eight practices. The Spring Program will begin the first week of April and end after 8 practices. A separate registration will need to be completed for each program. Read more about each registration period under the League Information tab.
  • What is the reg­is­tra­tion fee?
    * Given the evolving pandemic situation and the uncertainty of costs for facility access and additional cleaning fees, we are still working on determining what our registration fees will be. As a not for profit, TCYBA operates on a cost recovery basis. Final fees will be based on this philosophy. For families with 3 or more children registered, the cost for the 3rd (youngest) child will be reduced by 50 % from the regular rate. Read more about our registration fees under the Fees tab.
  • What is included in the registration fee?
    New registrants will receive a basketball*, a reversible jersey, a pair of shorts, gym times for practices and games as well as Basketball BC membership (which includes insurance). * Participants in the Grade 9/10 and 11/12 boys & girls divisions do not receive a basketball.
  • What is TCYBA's refund policy?
    Parents / players may apply for a full refund of registration fees, citing extraordinary circumstances. Such requests must be made in writing to the Board of Directors through the Executive Director. The Board will consider such requests on an individual basis. PLEASE NOTE - Due to Covid 19, local school districts are operating on a hybrid process for the 2021-22 season. This may result in minor scheduling adjustments, which are outside of our refund policy. Grade 9/10 boys & Grade 11/12 boys teams will play games on Saturdays. Refunds will not be provided for schedule conflicts with TCYBA games. Read more about our refund policy under the Refund Policy tab.
  • For more grades there are two levels. What level do I sign my child up for?
    New players to the TCYBA must register in the division in which their current grade, will be the highest grade listed– for example a new Grade 5 player to the TCYBA must register at the Grade 4/5 level. Grade 4’s registering at the Grade 4/5 level must have already played at least one season in the TCYBA and be physically ready to play with others that are their age and older. Exception: Players that are entering grade 2 may participate in the grade 2/3 division. Parents of returning players may choose which division is most suited to their child’s development (both physically and emotionally). Coach’s children can be in either grade (even if they are new players to the TCYBA). There may be some discretion involved if a child has played in other organizations, etc. A request for an exception must be made in writing to the League Coordinator.
  • What if my first choice team is full or all the teams in my division are full?
    If the team you want to be on or all the teams in your age group are full, please register to the waitlist for any of the teams that will work for your schedule. You may be on multiple waitlists. If a space opens up on the team you are on the waitlist for, we will notify you by email. We will also notify waitlisted players if a new teams opens and is available to register to.
  • What if I can’t register online. Is there another way to register?
    If you are unable to reg­is­ter online please con­tact our league reg­is­trar –
  • Can my child play on the same team as a friend?
    We will do our best to provide the opportunity for friends to play together however it is subject to our first come, first served policy. All registrations must be completed online.
  • How do I know which team to sign up for?
    The location of the practice (school name), day of the week, and time will be listed on the Stack Sport Registration site. You will be able to choose from a selection of teams that currently have space available. Please refer to our FAQ on "How do I register?" for more information.
  • How do I register?
    All players must be registered online. Register now! Read more under the League Information tab for details about registration dates.
  • I do not live in the Tri-City area. Can I still reg­is­ter my child on a TCYBA team?
    TCYBA operates in the Tri-Cities, New Westminster, Burnaby, Pitt Meadows and Maple Ridge. You are welcome to register your child on any of our teams, space permitting.
  • What are my chances of getting a spot in the league?
    Priority for registration goes to returning players who have the opportunity to pre-register. New players whose parent is coaching the team will also be guaranteed enrollment. Any returning players who miss the Phase 1 or 2 registration period will not have priority over new players once our Open Registration (Phase 3) begins. Read more under the League Information tab for details about registration dates.
  • How can I get more infor­ma­tion on the Elite (Metro) Programs?
    Read more about information regarding our Elite Teams or contact our Executive Director at
  • My child is interested in trying out for the one of the Elite (Metro) Division Teams – what opportunities are available?
    Our Elite team program operates in two seasons: September to March and again in April to June. Elite Team rosters for the Fall / Winter season will be selected in May and for Spring season in March. We are currently offering teams at the following age groups for both boys and girls: U12 - players must turn 12 on January 1 or later U13 – players must turn 13 on January 1 or later U14 – players must turn 14 on January 1 or later Players must participate in the Elite team tryouts in order to be considered for one of the Elite teams.
  • When are the tryouts?
    Elite Team tryouts for the Fall / Winter season will be held in May and for Spring season in March. More info will be posted on our website once details are confirmed. Players attending the tryouts are required to register in advance. Read more about information regarding the Elite Teams.


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The Tri-City Youth Basketball Association (TCYBA) was formed in 1999 and is a volunteer-driven registered not-for-profit that serves the youth of Coquitlam, Port Coquitlam, Port Moody (Tri-Cities), New Westminster, Burnaby and surrounding areas in British Columbia, Canada. Currently, we have well over 2000 players, from Kindergarten to grade 12, playing in various divisions including both competitive Elite programs and recreational play. We offer academies, camps, official's development paths and coaching clinics in partnership with various local, provincial and national partners. Open to both boys and girls, the club operates out-of-school gyms across the Tri-City area and strives to ensure all youth that want to enjoy the sport have an opportunity to participate. We believe that youth sport is critical to a child's development and the opportunity to build skills for both the sport and for life should be available to all of our community's youth.

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